Period underwear... should I?

Period underwear... should I?

Period talk. I'm talking when you're up on the blocks for a week, when there's a murder in your pants, and when Aunt Flo comes to visit once a month.

I don't know about you, but I've tried menstrual cups, pads and almost everything else under the sun during the week that the painters are in. I keep coming back to tampons! Recently I have been reading online that there is arsenic and heavy metals in tampons. WFT. Even the organic ones! Great. Just great.

Now I have Luckies for everyday confidence, but should I think about making period panties (that word still creeps me out). I've tried Bonds and Modibodi, and to be honest, they do a good job!

When I get to the stage of expanding my range, is this something you would want from Luckies? I should I stay firmly in my lane?

Keen to hear your opinions, and if you could fix my bloody cramps while you're at it... almost ready to try the CBD tampons that keep targeting my social feeds. Almost.